United Church of God

2017 Feast of Tabernacles: Hong Kong, China 

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2017 Feast of Tabernacles

Hong Kong, China 

The tourism board in Hong Kong likes to say “Best of all, it’s Hong Kong,” and it was indeed best of all. God inspired and blessed the messages. 

Among the brethren warm affection and laughter were present throughout the Feast. The weather was unseasonably warm during the day and pleasant at night.

Additionally, on the Eighth Day, Connie Chen from Harbin, China, was baptized. She is believed to be the first person from mainland China baptized in the modern era of the Church. The Eighth Day of the Feast is a tremendous time of joy and celebration in what it foreshadows in our loving Father’s great plan. Connie’s baptism added to the joy of that day.

We are thankful to our loving God for the blessing of being able to observe His Feast, to rejoice before Him, and for His protection and many blessings.