United Church of God

2017 Feast of Tabernacles: Victoria, British Columbia 

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2017 Feast of Tabernacles

Victoria, British Columbia 

Sculptured garden parks, seascapes and distant mountains surrounded the iconic landmarks, museums and the varied attractions of Victoria Harbour. Brethren devoured tasty spiritual treats in the form of 17 split sermons plus four Bible seminars exploring the themes of God’s festivals.

Family activities included a three-hour ocean cruise viewing humpback whales, sea lions among islands in the Strait of Juan de Fuca. The family dinner dance featured a live 17-piece big band playing tunes that moved all generations for hours, accompanied by a catered dinner. Family day was a discovery of the gardens, trails, vistas and petting zoo in beautiful Beacon Hill Park.

During the Feast, teens ventured through Miniature World, Bug Zoo and a provincial museum, while the singles and young adults were invited to challenge each other at a special game establishment. Fellowship and other local activities were within walking distance of the Feast venue, and God provided good weather to complement each day.

We have enjoyed two years of feasting in the greater Victoria area and would appreciate your prayers as we search for the location of next year’s Feast somewhere in beautiful British Columbia.