United Church of God

2018 Camp Report: British Isles

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2018 Camp Report

British Isles

In addition to campers from various parts of the United Kingdom, there were also two from Sweden, one from Germany, one from Italy and six from the U.S.

Warm and mostly dry summer weather allowed for many outdoor activities including archery, abseiling (rappelling) and hiking, as well as sports and games. Fencing was appreciated by all the campers, as was breadmaking and an expedition inside a local cavern, one of several in the area. A campfire was considered inappropriate this year given the previous weeks of hot and dry weather.

Mornings began with a hymn and a prayer, a thought for the day and “quiet time” when campers and adults alike spent 15 minutes in quiet reflection, Bible reading or prayer. Bible lessons covered how to pray, how to observe the Sabbath and various aspects of God’s vision for everyone—to live life to the fullest now, and in the future to be in His family and to carry His name. Other seminars included how to handle negative emotions, basic first aid and healthy eating. A highlight was the performance of several items of special music during the two Sabbath services. These pieces had been prepared in advance and practiced as camp progressed. 

The drier weather this year compared with that experienced during last year’s camp was a great blessing.