United Church of God

2019 Feast of Tabernacles: Kalukanya, Zambia

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2019 Feast of Tabernacles

Kalukanya, Zambia

Deacon Patrice Yaphet Sinyenga, B. Kabangula, Innocent Chilongo, Richard Kayame and I presented messages.

Topics included how Christian’s today should celebrate the Feast; giving our hearts to Jesus; does God communicate with Christians through dreams today; how we can know if the Holy Spirit is leading us; what we have chosen—life or death; law and grace and God’s law is love. I conducted the Bible study on the subject of the Sabbath and also tithes. We all had a special and memorable Feast.

Interesting things to note; an 86-year-old widower was baptized at the Feast this year. We thank God for the assistance from the home office, which enabled us to hold the Feast peacefully and in harmony.

In addition, I have acquired a piece of land which is 500 meters from the site. After seeing that the current land is small, I approached the village headman, who has given us a 100m by 200m piece of land. I’m sure this land will help us accommodate even more people in the future with other infrastructure that is also being built.