United Church of God

2019 Feast of Tabernacles: Sabaudia, Italy

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2019 Feast of Tabernacles

Sabaudia, Italy

During the Feast in Sabaudia, nine people were baptized and are now joyfully added to the Church in Italy. Through God, these members were called after coming across our YouTube channel LaBuonaNotiziaTV.

During the Feast we were spiritually nourished by very inspiring and powerful messages, including the video messages from our chairman and president. Cultural tours to Pompeii, Rome and the Vatican Museums were offered as part of our Feast educational program in relation to ancient Christianity versus paganism. It was history coming alive before our eyes! Furthermore, we had wonderful weather all eight days of the Feast. This allowed relaxation time on the golden sandy beach with blue sea and entertaining games. The brethren enjoyed memorable social activities, such as an Italian wine-tasting experience, a talent show and an evening dance. Brethren of all ages had the opportunity to renew their longtime friendships as well as to make new friends in Christian fellowship. At the end of the Feast there was a balloon send-off toward the blue sky to say goodbye to the brethren before their departure from the Feast site. The entire Feast offered moving and unforgettable moments.

Many brethren have written to us in appreciation, yet we are the ones who need to sincerely express our gratefulness for their presence, friendship and generous support. There are no adequate words to thank all the brethren, adults and children who have contributed with their presence and their joyful singing voices in making the Feast a memorable one.

Church services were held in the newly restored hotel meeting hall. The beautiful news is that the main hotel in Sabaudia has bought the very nearby hotel. This is now under renovation and, next year, we’ll be able to offer several additional new rooms while still keeping up our tradition of letting all Feast participants to eat at the same restaurant. This is a family setting that makes us live all days of the Feast as a reflection of the beauty of God’s Kingdom.

We hope to see many more brethren next year. Our heartfelt thanks and invitation go always to all our brethren around the world.