United Church of God

2021 Feast of Tabernacles: Blantyre, Malawi

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2021 Feast of Tabernacles

Blantyre, Malawi

The brethren trooped down to this Feast site with eagerness as they looked forward to hearing and learning more about God’s Kingdom to come. For eight days, the Blantyre congregation was glued to some of the most exciting and inspiring teachings regarding the Kingdom of God. 

The brethren were full of praises for the immense information they had gained so far in this short period of time. 

Led by the local pastor Gracious Mpilangwe, sermonettes and sermons were the main feature of the Feast. Of course, they were punctuated by children’s, youth, ladies and UCG Blantyre congregation choirs. All songs were mesmerizing and acted as a pointer to God’s Kingdom. As for the sermonettes and sermons, they were just the sort of spiritual food that the brethren needed. 

Apart from the teachings about God’s Kingdom, other events were put in place to be enjoyed by the brethren. These included a field trip to the Museum of Malawi by the children. We also had a family day. Special food and wine was also prepared for the senior citizens dinner. The youth had an activity to fulfill in terms of preparing something to eat (barbecue) with some soft drinks. To crown it all, there were group meals throughout the eight days. 

The highest number of people who attended the 2021 Feast of Tabernacles in Blantyre, Malawi, was 96. When everything was said and done, the brethren felt that this was one of the best Feasts in terms of organization.