United Church of God

2021 Feast of Tabernacles: St. Lucia

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2021 Feast of Tabernacles

St. Lucia

Although we prayed fervently that the local brethren would be able to meet with us, government restrictions remained in place and did not allow this. However, 13 St. Lucia brethren were able to meet several miles to the north at the Leisure Inn in Soufriere. The government did allow overseas brethren who had either quarantined for 14 days or who were fully vaccinated to visit the local brethren, so they were able to have small groups of overseas brethren visit them several days during the Feast. It was a Festival highlight to be reunited with them after not seeing them for two years! We enjoyed good food and fellowship together. 

A high of 99 overseas brethren met at Coconut Bay. Last-minute government restrictions prevented us from all meeting in the same room, but it did not dampen our joy. We were able to webcast to those in an alternate room, and to the brethren across the southern Caribbean who were not able to be with us in person. It was very much a family Feast, and it was heartwarming to see everyone rejoicing together.   

Sermons were right on target, giving us a vivid picture of the coming Kingdom of God. With such a wonderful Feast, it was sad to see it come to an end—we wanted to keep celebrating for another eight days! But we will cherish the wonderful memories and look forward to next year, hoping and praying that all of our southern Caribbean brethren will be able to share the Feast with us in person. And may God speed the day when we will celebrate together in His Kingdom.