United Church of God

Appreciating Volunteers: Members Help Reach World From the Home Office

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Appreciating Volunteers

Members Help Reach World From the Home Office

Church member volunteers perform a vital service for the home office each year. Each issue we mail approximately 16,000 Good News magazines to international subscribers in areas of the world not served by other international offices (mainly the Caribbean and much of Africa and Asia). The volunteers insert these magazines into envelopes, seal and bag them for mailing.

In addition, they also prepare about 1,200 copies of World News and Prophecy and 575 of United News for international subscribers, as well as 1,500 Spanish Buenas Noticias magazines for mailing in the United States.

The number of Good News magazines mailed from the home office has been reduced from 24,000 to 16,000 due to the transfer of 8,000 magazines to the Philippine office.

The Philippine office had been maintaining their own file of subscribers, but the magazines were actually mailed from the home office. Beginning with the March/April 2006 issue, the Philippine office began mailing their subscribers' issues in the Philippines.

Approximately 820 hours of labor are donated by these members each year, which is a substantial donation. Several members have commented that since they have retired, this is one way they can make a financial contribution to the Church.

At least once a year the teenagers from the surrounding church areas come to serve the subscribers and give our regular volunteers a break.

We owe a big thank you to Linda Saar, who coordinates the work parties, and to all the volunteers from Cincinnati, Columbus and Dayton, Ohio, and Louisville, Kentucky.