United Church of God

New UCG Booklet Addresses the Trinity

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New UCG Booklet Addresses the Trinity

The doctrine of the Trinity is one of mainstream Christianity’s most revered and widely-held doctrines. But is it true? The latest booklet published by the United Church of God—Is God a Trinity?—addresses that doctrine head on.

The booklet, the 34th produced by the United Church of God, examines this teaching that many churches admit is confusing and incomprehensible even as they make it a litmus test to define who is and isn’t a Christian.

This 88-page booklet covers the long and involved story of how the Trinity doctrine came to be the accepted belief of the world’s Christianity. As you’ll see from numerous quotes in the booklet, many scholars, theologians and Bible resources openly admit that the Trinity doctrine isn’t found in the Bible, acknowledging that it came along officially in several stages in the A.D. 300s—centuries after the last books of the Bible were written!

Chapter titles of the booklet include “Is the Trinity Biblical?” “The Surprising Origins of the Trinity Doctrine,” “How Is God Revealed in the Bible?” “How Is God One?” “Is the Holy Spirit a Person?” “The Holy Spirit—God’s Transforming Power” and “God’s Purpose for You.”

The booklet describes how the Trinity doctrine insidiously masks one of the Bible’s greatest truths—that men and women, created in God’s image, have the awesome destiny to eventually become part of the very family of God, and that God is a family, into which others will be born, rather than a closed Trinity.

The booklet will be printed and mailed in early August. UCG members do not need to request a copy; it will be mailed automatically to all member households on file.


  • littlelamb

    The Trinity is a controversal subject.In the 4th Century,two parties,one held that the Holy Spirit was 1)part of a Being(God) or 2)Substance from a Being(God).The words used to describe each were Essence or Substance.These two words were in evolutionary process at that time,as no concrete terms for actually to describe God's Spirit existed,in the 4th Century.You can research the origins of Essence/Substance,and they go back only back to after the Council of Nicea,yet both words are closely linked.It is hard to describe the Spirit,especially saying it is a person.Take Essence,today it means like a part of the body,like Essence of an oil,Substance would mean like power from the Being or body.God is a Spirit,the Holy Spirit is also,then you have Faith,gift of God'sSpirit,in Hebrews1:1 desribes something spiritual as Faith as a "Substance"not a "Essence",which ties in with the Holy Spirit.I prayed to God and meditated before I saw Hebrews 1;1 to help me in clarifying the Trinity issue matter.The parties disputing the Trinity issue in the 4th Century used,if my memory serves me correct,Greek terms beginning with either the letters"homo..."and/or"homeo...",one would mean something like Part of the Father Being God 0R Subtance from the Father Being God.Take in mind,that while this was being debated in 4th century,there was no concrete agreement over which terms to use to describe God's Spirit,the terms were evolving,yet how could one call God;s Spirit a Person,if the terms used,were in doubt back then?Man is frail,in attempts to describe God or His Character,and to try to put Him in a box is weak,inefficient.