United Church of God

News From Around the World UCG British Isles National Council Meets

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News From Around the World UCG British Isles National Council Meets

The National Council of the United Church of God–British Isles met in Gloucester on Feb. 26. Council member David Payne and Secretary Brian Crook were unable to attend the meeting.

Circulation report: Jan Schroeder reported that readers have been expressing a lot of interest in the Church. The Council discussed various aspects of the Church's mailing list, including the consequences of the rapid growth in the GN mailing list that was experienced in the second half of 2005, which was mostly due to UCG IA 's Internet advertising. The circulation level is being set on a sustainable level by the ongoing renewal program.

Financial report: Barbara Fenney reported on the Church's financial position as of Jan. 31. The Council discussed and reviewed strategies already in place and a number of other specific proposals to maintain the Church's positive cash flow and general financial health.

Child Protection: Barbara Fenney reported that the yearly review of the Church's policies and procedures had been successfully undertaken.

Feast Site Selection: David Fenney reported on behalf of the National Council's Feast Site Selection Committee concerning Feast sites for 2007 and 2008. The Council asked the committee to search out and review potentially less expensive sites, such as caravan parks, where it may be possible for all Feastgoers to be housed at one site.

Arbitration, Reconciliation and Mediation: Bryan Ellams reported on behalf of the Council's ARM Committee that the committee is a forum in which complicated issues can be addressed. He read the publication Twelve Rules of Reconciliation, which has been issued to the members of the ARM Committee.

Media and Internet: There is now the possibility of the Church being able to accept donations over the Internet by credit or debit card. The committee drew the Council's attention to the possibility of the Church's Web site hosting forums and chat rooms (of potential interest to teenagers and young adults); the Council considered that personal security and child protection issues would need to be considered before proceeding with such suggestions.

Other business:

•Bryan Ellams updated the Council with the current planning for a Young Adults' Leadership Weekend, which will likely take place in the summer.

•The annual review of the performance of the Council and its officers will be considered at the next meeting.

•Peter Hawkins drew the Council's attention to the Church's need for detailed plans for dealing with disaster recovery. This would include being able to contact and aid members in the event of an emergency.

The National Council's next meeting will be May 21 and the Annual General Meeting is set for July 16 near Reading. UN