United Church of God

News From Around the World: UCG-British Isles National Council Meets in Gloucester Dec. 11

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News From Around the World

UCG-British Isles National Council Meets in Gloucester Dec. 11

The National Council of the United Church of God–British Isles met in Gloucester on Sunday, Dec. 11.

Circulation report: Jan Schroeder reported on the figures to the end of November and noted a slight decrease in the circulation of the GN. There was a significant increase in the circulation during 2005, primarily due to UCG IA Web site advertising, but subscriptions are now leveling out. There will be a further reduction due to the ongoing renewal program and less Internet advertising.

Financial report: The Council accepted the independent auditor's statement of accounts for the year ending June 30.

Child Protection: In a review of Child Protection issues, the possible need for recruitment of additional volunteers was highlighted as was the need for policies for the protection of vulnerable adults.

Feast of Tabernacles 2005: Regarding the Feast in Winchester this year, Peter Hawkins highlighted a significant increase in the cost of the hall over 2004, and also the fact that requests for Festival assistance were in excess of the Church's Festival Reserve Fund, meaning that some Festival support was provided from normal operating funds.

Summer Camp: There are uncertainties regarding the availability of older children, teenagers and young adults for a U.K. camp in the summer of 2006. The Council concluded that the Church would not provide a summer camp in 2006, although it is expected that one will be held in the summer of 2007.

In response to a suggestion from one of the young adults, the National Council agreed to support at least one young adults' leadership weekend during 2006, to be organized by the young adults themselves with input and assistance from the Church and the ministry.

Media and Internet: Peter Hawkins and Brian Greaves highlighted an initial suggestion for the redesign of the UCG-BI Web sites and proposed to use the services of a Church-member professional for implementing the work.

Strategic Planning: The committee's report to the National Council regarding the Church's mailing operations highlighted a potential health and safety issue concerning mailing activities undertaken from the Northwood office. A considerable weight of stocks is carried up and down stairs at risk to office staff.

The Council authorized the chief executive officer to take all necessary steps to eliminate this potential hazard, which will most likely be achieved by relocating the office to more suitable premises in the same general area. UN