United Church of God

Upcoming Personal Appearance Campaign to Be Held in Cincinnati

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Upcoming Personal Appearance Campaign to Be Held in Cincinnati

In a few months we will be starting a new initiative in preaching the gospel: Personal Appearance Campaigns (PAC). We want to try doing these in addition to all the other media efforts in order to personally reach as many people as possible who come in contact with us.

The first PAC will be held here in Cincinnati. The theme will be “Why Were You Born?” This is an extension of the Kingdom of God Bible Seminars that many of our pastors are still conducting. Gary Petty will be the first principal presenter. Doing Internet searches on his name shows excellent first-page results and identifies him quickly with the United Church of God. Gary has years of media exposure through Beyond Today television programs, Good News radio and sermons. He is our most listened to speaker on sermon downloads.

“Why were you born?” is a very familiar theme of the Work of God going back many years. It leads to the primary gospel message of repentance and the Kingdom of God. It starts with God’s showing His interest in man by creating man in His image.

Doing a search on our www.ucg.org website you will find 1,800 references to why were you born. Our current booklet What is Your Destiny? is going to be renamed Why Were You Born?

Before the Sept. 10 event, Gary will be interviewed on area radio and television. In addition we plan to have the campaign advertised on at least a dozen Cincinnati billboards.

We are very optimistic that the PAC will be successful in engaging many of our subscribers and Internet onlookers and we pray that its success will enable us to explore PACs in other U.S. cities. Your prayers and support are greatly appreciated!