United Church of God

Colombian Summer Camp 2020

For our yearly summer camp we will be returning to Hotel San Gil del Campo, located in San Gil, Santander, Colombia, between Bucaramanga and Bogotá. Last year, we had an attendance of 16 campers from Colombia and Venezuela. Our days were kept full with a full array of activities including Bible discussions or Christian living classes, swimming, Frisbee Football, Capture the Flag, Dance class and a dance, Amazing Race, a visit to Cascadas de Juan Curí, Bible skits, plus plenty of free time to relax and fellowship, including the sought after mid-afternoon siesta.

This year we plan to have many of the same activities. Since our focus at camp is building life-long relationships with God and each other, each day will include an interactive Compass Check. Additional question-and-answer sessions (focusing on biblical and Christian living topics) will also be offered during camp. Along with several fun and challenging activities, extra time for fellowshipping and relaxing is added to make this camp experience a treat. Free time to enjoy talking with friends, old and new, is one of Colombia’s experiences that lasts a lifetime.

These camps provide both opportunity to build strong bonds of friendship and stabilize the congregations in Colombia through interaction with the pastor and his wife, as well as the staff. In some cases this is the only time these young people will be with other youth in the church.
We plan to continue this venue each year in the future. As we have for the past seven years.