United Church of God

Letter From Dan Dowd - June 1, 2019

Letter From Dan Dowd

June 1, 2019

Sabbath Thought - The Family of God

My mom was fanatical about taking pictures at any family event or activity.  My dad still has boxes and boxes of photos we boys need to go through.  Every picture is a reminder of the family that we are.  Family is important.  Ideally, as God intended, family is to be a safe haven from an unsure world.  It is to be a common bond and a shared history so that we have others who not only understand us, but also will stand by us through the good and not-so-good times. 

One of the primary things missed by mainstream Christianity, is that God's way of life is all about developing mankind to be in God's family.  Some see family as relevant and meaningful in this life - and it is - but don't see themselves transitioning into God's family.  They see themselves in a master/slave relationship.  God will always be way up here (hand held high) and those who make it into heaven will still be down here (hand held low).  The best mankind could hope for is to gaze at God from a distance.

How is this relevant and pertinent to the upcoming Feast of Pentecost?  God's plan of salvation for mankind is all about becoming part of His family.  God is seeking Godly seed (Malachi 2:15).  He seeks many sons (Hebrews 2:10) so we can have His glory!  As such we now have a spirit of adoption (Ephesians 1:5), and are consequently His children (1 John 3:1-2) and heirs of all that is His (Romans 8:14-17)!

The disconnect we see presently in our own lives is that we are still physical and can focus on only that.  We have access to God through His Spirit - in fact His Spirit dwells in us (Romans 8:6-9).  The Spirit of God dwelling in us is what makes us Christian - it is what makes us part of the family of God!  That Spirit in us fulfills the meaning of Pentecost!

God's Holy Spirit allows us to begin the process of conversion in our life.  That conversion is to gain the necessary character to be able to make the step from humanity to spirit and the God family.  The process of conversion begins with recognition of our carnality, that we are powerless to overcome it and then to repent and humble ourselves before God (Acts 2:37-42) - so that we can receive the Holy Spirit!

That fledgling Church in Acts 1-2 was gathered because Christ told them to wait in Jerusalem.  They were gathered on Pentecost because God commanded them to assemble on His Holy Days.  But - they were also gathered together because they were family!  God is expecting us - His Church - to be prepared to be in His family when Christ returns.  Because God has provided His Holy Spirit we can begin the process of becoming like Him.

Godly seed means we reflect the Parent.  We will look like Him, act like Him, think like Him, et al.  Because we will be like God, because we will be in God's family, because it will have no division - ever.  And so, Christ is preparing a place for us in God's Kingdom (John 14:1-3).  If Christ is preparing a place for us in God's Family - in God's Kingdom - then how much more are we to be working with God so that we are prepared as well?

Rudyard Kipling once wrote about families: "All of us are we - and everyone else is they."  A family shares things like dreams, hopes, possessions, memories, smiles, frowns, and gladness.  A family should be held together with love and mutual respect.  A family is a shelter from an unpredictable and all-to-often painful world.  No person is ever alone who is a member of a family.

Whether we are talking about marriages, or interpersonal relationships in general or even relationships between nations these principles apply.  As a family, we will gather a week from Sunday to observe God's Feast of Pentecost.  That day is a memorial of God establishing His Church.  Because of God's Holy Spirit dwelling in us, we understand the purpose of mankind's creation and what lies in store for us in the rest of eternity - as a member in the family of God.

I wish you a profitable and value filled Sabbath,

Dan Dowd

31 May, 2019