United Church of God

Letter From Devin Schulz - January 24, 2020

Letter From Devin Schulz

January 24, 2020

Greetings everyone,

Last week, we posed the question, was Christ a phantom? Did He truly exist as a man fully? Hopefully our studies in this were profitable. Here are some verses to consider.

1 John 4:1-3 - John addressed this head on by simply stating that anyone who does not belief that Christ came in the flesh is not of God. This plain statement has profound implications. Stating that Christ was a phantom would to be deny that He truly came in the flesh, being fully man. No mincing of words, just a direct statement making it clear that anyone professing this idea is not of God. John goes on to say that we can overcome these false teachings because God dwells within us by His spirit. This is again addressing the phantom idea and is expounded on in 2 John. An Interesting side note, a man named Cerinth is the founder of this idea (hence Cerinthianism) and he lived around the time that John would have written his epistles. It is a possibility then, that John was inspired to write these words to defend the truth against this very idea.

2 John 1:7 - Here John makes the statement that there were deceivers who do not confess Jesus Christ "as coming in the flesh." This is in the present tense, indicating not something in the past but an event that is happening now. The implication being that there were those who denied that Christ can dwell within His people. What is established in this is a direct fight against this dualism that we spoke of in our last letter. That is the idea that flesh is evil and spirit being good cannot dwell with flesh. Those who denied Christ could come in flesh reasoned that what we do in our physical flesh does not matter. These thoughts led to throwing off God's law and indulging in much dissipation. Within the context in 2 John 1, we see John was exhorting and commending them to keep the commandments of God. This was in direct opposition to the dualistic beliefs. In fact, it is precisely the fact that Christ dwells within us that we can grow in our ability to walk as He walked. This strikes right at the heart of the whole "phantom" argument.

Philippians 2:5-8 -In brief, the statements made show that as Christ was in the form (Greek Morphe) of God, He also took on the form (Greek Morphe) of man. We cannot accept one without the other. True understanding of Who and What Christ was/is means both accepting Him as the Word eternally existing, Who then divested Himself of immortality and glory to become a physical man. These verses will be covered more fully in a future letter.

This is a sample of verses that contradict the belief that Christ was a phantom. If you came up with some others, it would be a good conversation starter for the Sabbath tomorrow to share what we have come up with. Next week we will look at the complications that arise from this heresy. Hopefully, we can take the week to think and study on this.

Happy Sabbath to you all.

Devin Schulz