United Church of God

Letter From Monte Knudson - June 8, 2019

Letter From Monte Knudson

June 8, 2019

Dear brethren, 

Our hope, together, is that we are encouraging one another to stay focused on producing Godly fruit.

As we approach the Sabbath day, let's consider the work God has been doing in preparation for its arrival.  The weekly Sabbath is a type or shadow of the Rest to come. (Heb. 4:1-11)    

A Rest for the firstfruits of God's divine Family is approaching.  God and Christ are busily doing their part.  However, Their Church, the shepherds and sheep also have a work to be busily performing in preparation for that event.   

Before God created the physical universe, a harvest was predestined.  (Eph. 1:4-6). Many details are involved in getting us ready to be where we need to be in time for the 1st Resurrection. 

I'm reminded of what John Elliott said to us years back; that it takes lots of effort on God's part for this to take place!  God is love and He desires for us to be like Him, so He extends His favor on us.  He sacrificed His Son to facilitate this development in our lives.  He calls us, opens our minds, displays mercy and forgiveness, draws us, judges us, cares for us, inspires us, defends us, justifies us, protects us (Rom. 8:29-30.) He leads us, increases our faith, imparts His Spirit, promotes love and good works, monitors our every thought, mediates charges against us, tallies our hair count, gives us blessings, corrects us, restores us, prepares a place for us in His Family to be a God.  He makes all things work out for our spiritual good.  We grow in His understanding "as we continue to obey Him." (Ps. 111:10) Therefore, we must be pursuing His Kingdom and His righteousness. God and His Son are very busy Farmers, growing the crop of firstfruits of their Family. (Jas. 5:7)

It's a common fallacy that Jesus obeyed the commandments for us and we're not under law but are "saved by grace," referencing Rom. 6:14.  When we look close at this chapter, it's about God leading us to repentance from sin, baptizing us and burying our old self, in helping us become a new man in Christ.  We are called to be bound in doing righteous deeds to the point where "sin shall not have dominion over us, for you are not under nomos but under charis." (vs. 14) Translated another way, "you are not under sentence to the Lake of Fire, but are being converted."

Paul says we are ("being" saved) by charis, in the Greek.  (Eph. 2:4-10) This Greek word has many meanings and Smith's Bible Dictionary takes exception with any singular definition being used in the New Testament.  According to Thayer's, it largely expresses the great amount of work God is doing in us in converting us into saints to be ready for the Rest that is about to come...

Thayer's Lexicon: charis - "...the merciful kindness by which God, exerting his holy influence upon lives, turns us to Christ, keeps, strengthens, increases us in faith, knowledge, affection, and kindles us to the exercise of His virtues."

We must not be resistant to this miraculous calling.  We must allow God to do His work in us.  Brethren our lives are at stake!  This is serious!  We must not think that we're just okay the way we are and God will work things out for us to be in His kingdom.  No, we must be growing, producing Godly fruit now.  God desires unity, oneness.  Jesus even prays for us to be one in Them. (Jn. 17:22) We will address this more on Pentecost!

This gradual change happens from a mindset that is self-centered and sinful, to one that is Godly, holy and righteous. Yes, it's a challenging process!  But it results in the developing of spiritual fruit, by drawing us into interaction with Him through His Spirit, and over time, with trial and error on our part, miraculous interventions happen. It is those who respond to God's calling who will convert to this extraordinary godly mindset. 

As we enter the weekly Sabbath shadow of "the Rest" to come, please consider how active God is working at doing His part in preparation for the 7th Trumpet.  What will be our finality?  Satan's age ends and God's age will begin!  (Rev. 11:15-18) Two "harvests" with opposite results are mention in Rev. 14; one we want to be part of (Rev. 14:14-16) the other, certainly not. (Rev. 14:17-20) 

May God's favor be with each one of us as we approach each day, allowing Him to fulfill His work in us.

Your fellow brother and servant in Christ,


Monte Knudson