United Church of God

Letter From Roc Corbett July 31, 2017

Letter From Roc Corbett

July 31, 2017

Dear brethren,

The ten commandments set the standard for righteousness, and are true for all people for all time.  "The entirety of Your word is truth, and every one of Your righteous judgments endures forever."  (Psalm 119.160).

As we grow in our understanding of the spiritual reasons for each of the ten commandments, we can learn what God's own character is like, and how we should, therefore, become.  I think this is one of the blessings that comes to us as we search the Scriptures to learn about His law, and how we should live.  For in this searching for truth we learn about God Himself.

"You shall not steal."  These four simple words state very clearly something that we are not to do.  But stealing has been a sin for a long time, and shows no sign of abating.  It seems that humanity finds more and more ways to steal, especially now at the end of this age, when computers and the internet expose most of the world to the risk of theft from unknown thieves anywhere in the world.  The entire world could benefit immeasurably if theft were to become obsolete.  I think we long for the day when that will be the case, when all people believe and follow this basic principle of God's law.

But, not stealing is just the beginning of the meaning of the eighth commandment.  For us, there is the opportunity to learn more about our Father and our Lord Jesus Christ, and understand why this commandment was included in the law of the covenants.  We can learn the contrasting spiritual lessons that fill out the intent and purpose of this commandment.  We can look into the Scriptures and "...comprehend with all the saints what is the width and length and depth and height..." of understanding about this and all the other commandments.  Psalm 119:96 says, "...Your commandment is exceedingly broad."  There is more to the eighth commandment than most people realize.  So, as we come together to worship this Sabbath, let's spend some time exploring this law that is always true for all people, for all time.


Roc Corbett