United Church of God

Betrayed by a Friend for 30 Pcs of Silver

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Betrayed by a Friend For 30 Pcs of Silver

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Betrayed by a Friend for 30 Pcs of Silver

MP3 Audio (28.37 MB)

Embedded in the narrative of Judas are two prophecies about the rejection of the Messiah: 1) He will be betrayed by a friend [Psalm 41:9] 2) He will be sold out for 30 pieces of silver [Zechariah 11:13] which will be used to buy a potter's field [Jeremiah 19:1-13, 32:6-9]. What might the significance of these two prophesied details of Jesus' road to the crucifixion be?


Betrayed By A Friend

The Messiah/King entered the gates of Jerusalem in the spring of 31 A.D. The Passover and Days of Unleavened Bread of 31 AD. were about 2 days away... there was excitement and expectation in the air. To many the signs looked like the restoration of Israel was about to unfold.

But, over the course of the next few days, that same Messiah/King would be rejected by the very people God had chosen to represent His name on earth. Even as Jesus triumphantly entered Jerusalem [riding on a donkey... greeted with shouts of joy], the chief priests and leaders of the Jewish people were plotting for a way to arrest and kill Jesus.

They wanted a way to do it that would not cause Jesus' crowds of followers to rise up in revolt. They did not know it yet, but their plans would be fulfilled though a man names Judas who would betray his friend, master and teacher... Jesus... for a handful of silver coins.

What Was Jesus Going to Do?

Popular beliefs about the purpose of the Messiah lead to an expectation that he would seize power in one way or another and begin to rule. Could Jesus be this man? Those who knew Jesus well were expecting it more that anyone:

  • the disciples were expecting Jesus to establish the kingdom of God at that time [Luke 24:24, Acts 1:6]
  • Peter rebuked Jesus when He predicted execution instead of exaltation Matthew [16:21-23]
  • James, John, and then all the others were jockeying for positions and rank in the kingdom they expected to see put in place Matthew 20:20-24, Luke 22:24-26]
  • Jesus had promised them rewards in the kingdom which were real and tangible, not some sort of mystical discernment [Matthew 19:28]
  • They expected Jesus to lead a military revolution... Peter said He was willing to die for the cause... when the soldiers came to arrest Jesus they pulled out their swords and were ready to fight [Matthew 26:33]

When it became clear that this was not how events were going to unfold they reacted badly. Two prime examples are given:

  • When Peter saw Jesus arrested and the heavens did not not open up... and the overthrow of tyrants and oppressors was obviously not happening... he denied all association with Jesus ... but before that...
  • Judas betrayed Jesus and helped the civil authorities arrest him.

Judas' Turns Against Jesus

In the days before Passover, Jesus' and His disciples were dining in the Jerusalem home of Simon the leper. After the meal Mary, sister of Martha, poured a bottle of expensive perfume on Jesus feet and wiped them with her hair.

Some of the disciples, led by Judas Iscariot, took offense at this extravagance insisting the money should have been spent helping the poor. Jesus told them to leave her alone and explained that her actions were actually preparation for His upcoming burial [Mark 14:3-9, John 12:4-8].

Luke reports Satan entered into Judas soon afterwards [Luke 22:3-6].

John tells us Judas was greedy and corrupt when it came to money, but Judas was also a believer in the cause. Concern for social justice and a keen interest in growing your own personal bank account are not mutually exclusive.

Was Judas [and the others] becoming impatient with Jesus... wanting to see more action... more implementation of social justice... a more obvious political stance against the Roman oppressors... was there bitterness? ... questions about how money was being handled? Whatever it was, Satan used the opportunity to enter Judas and use him to inflict damage on his enemy... Jesus.

Judas Betrays Jesus

Read Matthew 26:14-16.

On the 14th of Nisan Jesus and the disciples gathered together for the Passover meal. Judas was there, present as one of Jesus inner circle of friends and comrades. Before eating, the disciples were arguing about who would be the most important in the Kingdom of God [which they all expected to happen at any moment]. Jesus redirects the conversation and tells them that service towards others will be the mark of greatness in the KOG rather than rank or honor.

Jesus demonstrated this new attitude about what is considered great through washing the feet of the disciples. So, Judas would have had his feet washed by Jesus. Read John 13:15-18.

As they began the meal Jesus was agitated in spirit and told them that one of them was going to betray Him. Naturally, the disciples all wanted to know who it was... Jesus said, "it is the one to whom I will give this piece of bread when I have dipped it in the dish" Then He dipped the piece of bread and gave it to Judas Iscariot"... Judas said "surely its not me teacher". Jesus said, "yes its you".

Satan once again enters Judas. Judas then leaves to meet up with the chief priests and temple police who want Jesus arrested and killed. After Judas is gone, Jesus tells the remaining disciples the time has come. Then He institutes the new covenant symbols of the Passover... the bread and the wine. I think it is significant that Judas was not present during the taking of the bread and wine.., Christ's blood and body.

Afterwards, Jesus goes through a lengthy session of instruction [recorded in John 14-17 which we will read through together on Passover evening].

That night, Jesus takes the disciples to the Mount of Olives overlooking Jerusalem to pray. In the dark Judas leads a detachment of soldiers to where he knows Jesus and the disciples will be. A secluded place far from any crowd. To make sure they arrest the right person Judas walks up to Jesus and greets Him with a kiss of fellowship [which was a pre-arranged signal to the soldiers]. Jesus says "friend, what brings you here" [Matthew 26:48-54].

Jesus is arrested, given a mock trial, and sentenced to death. When Judas hears the news, he realizes what he has done, tries to undo it by giving back the money to the priests and elders. He says I have sinned... this is all a terrible mistake... Jesus is an innocent man.

Read  Matthew 27:3-10.

Embedded in this narrative are two prophecies about the rejection of the Messiah:

  • 1) He will be betrayed by a friend [Psalm 41:9]
  • 2) He will be sold out for 30 pieces of silver [Zechariah 11:13] which will be used to buy a potter's field [Jeremiah 19:1-13, 32:6-9].

What might the significance of these two prophesied details of Jesus' road to the crucifixion be?

Betrayal By A Friend

Jesus points us back to the 9th verse of Psalm 41... but I think it's worthwhile to read the entire Psalm to get the context Psalm 41:1-13

In its original context: David is weakened by sickness, his enemies want to use the situation to gain the upper hand, and even David's close friends turn on him. David knows that he has behaved with integrity and justice... so he is confident of deliverance from both the sickness and the troubles his temporary weakness have stirred up.

Jesus tells us to look at the betrayal of close friends from a Messianic perspective:

He has behaved in a manner pleasing to God, He has pursued justice and cared for the weak... He is momentarily weak Himself... His enemies turn on Him [which is no surprise]... but even those he knows and loves turn on Him...

Lesson 1: Even if God Himself is standing right in front of us that does not make us faithful, or loyal. So don't ever say "if only God would show Himself to us, then I would be able to obey". He was with Israel in the cloud and pillar of fire... but they were not loyal. He was with Judas... but it did not make Judas loyal.

God values loyalty [and hates disloyalty]. Part of the spiritual development He intends for you involves building loyalty... and testing or proving loyalty.

The missing ingredient is the power of God's spirit. Without it we cannot be loyal to God... without the holy spirit we are actually God's enemies, not His loyal friends. And the spirit that took hold of Judas was Satan, who entered the man because he was bitter, resentful, discouraged, disappointed, and impatient. Like Satan, Judas thought he had a better idea of what needed to be done than God himself... and Satan used that opportunity.

So ask yourself, "am I loyal to God". How do I show that loyalty in a way that goes beyond shouting "God is Great". Loyalty towards God is seen in humility, in patient endurance, submission, and obedience. But be careful, because apathy is not patience, and passive indifference is not submission. Keep a close watch on your spirit.

Passover application: Passover is a time to re-dedicate yourself to God. TO remember your covenant with God and refresh your commitment to it.

30 Pieces of Silver

The gospel accounts also point us back to verse 13 of Zechariah 11. Let's take a look at the context by reading Zechariah 11:4-17.

There is a good shepherd... which is meant to picture Christ... and there are worthless shepherds. The shepherd is a symbol of leadership over the nation.

Why did Israel end up with greedy leaders who exploited them? Because they rejected God as their king. Long ago they had asked for human kings... and they got them... both good and bad. Israel, and humanity as a whole, over and over, choose to be ruled by one of their own rather than God. We get what we ask for... and it isn't always good.

God asks "what value do you place on the leadership, protection, and care, I provide?

The answer is "not much". Its measured out as 30 pieces of silver... a price so low that it's considered an insult and thrown to the lowly potter.

Ironically the blood money is used to help the poor... to buy a potters field where the homeless cast-outs and foreigners could be buried. Matthew refers back to Jeremiah's symbolic purchase of a field... its a symbolic gesture of hope and investment in the future Jeremiah 32:13-15.

But God has made a way for you to change the narrative... and align yourself with Him. To accept Him as your leader, Master, Lord, lawgiver, protector, and friend. You can do this by accepting Jesus Christ, accepting baptism into His death, receiving His holy spirit, and participating in His holy assembly... the Church of God.

Do you value God's leadership? Would you recognize His leadership when you see it?

God has given you His Church under the leadership of Jesus Christ... He has appointed teachers and leaders among you. Do you value them? How much are they worth to you? Are you willing to trade them for 30 pieces of silver, perhaps its some other material pleasure.

Passover application: this Passover is a time to remember that moment in time when you accepted and dedicated yourself to Christ as your shepherd and leader. Its an investment in the future... your future.


 The true King is coming back soon. He has called you, drawn you to Himself, given you a program of training to share in the leaderships of the coming kingdom. He wants your loyalty, and He wants you to value and appreciate the role He has called you to fulfill... today, and in the future.