United Church of God

Communion With the Holy Spirit

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Communion with the Holy Spirit

MP3 Audio (46.89 MB)


Communion With the Holy Spirit

MP3 Audio (46.89 MB)

Do we take seriously with awareness the various works of God’s holy spirit? How often are we fully conscious of God’s holy spirit — the one alongside, our helper, our comforter, our advocate and the one who helps fight our battles? Let us pray earnestly for gifts of the spirit and move forward in full assurance of faith realizing there is one alongside.


  • Bruno Gebarski
    Dr. Ward recommends that we ask ourselves if God’s Holy Spirit is our comforter. Are we aware of God’s Holy Spirit within us? Is God’s Holy Spirit walking along side with us & leading us into the execution of our sanctification process? Are we using the ‘parakletos’ comforter and intercessor, coming directly from God & our High Priest Jesus Christ, to fight our spiritual battles & overcome our humanness? God has not given us the spirit of fear but of a sound mind, the earnest of His spirit with full assurance of faith to help us understand the deeper things of God. A spirit that at times functions like our lawyer or intercessor representing our interests in front of God & Jesus Christ; our advocate in time of human shortcomings, sins & weaknesses. Is our spiritual house, just like the inheritance of Jacob today, left desolate empty & helpless? It must not be reminds us Dr. Ward as God’s spirit is there for ‘the taking’ to those who obey God & are called according to His purpose. David tells us that the Holy Spirit will restore our souls, lead us into the path of His righteousness, into the path of His salvation, create in us a clean heart and rekindle the joy of God’s salvation.
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