United Church of God

Continual Atonement Living in the Holy of Holies

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Continual Atonement Living in the Holy of Holies

MP3 Audio (52.03 MB)


Continual Atonement Living in the Holy of Holies

MP3 Audio (52.03 MB)

The difference between Passover and Atonement, who is represented by the Azazal goat, the banishment of Satan, and the continued atonement through Christ is examined making it possible for believers to live in the Holy of Holies.

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  • williamkeith
    Your study contains a number of errors. For example you say Satan is led away and never returns. That is not correct. Rev 20 clearly says after the thousand years he is loosed for a season and deceives a great number of people. Also, the book of Enoch was never part of the bible. You are confusing it with the apocrapha. Anyone familiar with the scriptures will perceive that the book of Enoch is not inspired. Someone assumed that Peter and Jude were quoting a book when they mentioned something Enoch said and made up a book called Enoch. It contradicts a number of scriptures and has a ludicrous perception of reality. For example, it says that the angels built Noah's ark(67:2) and the sun and moon are the same size(72:37 and 78:3). It says the year only has 364 days(82:6) and that one month has 28 days(78:9) which didn't come into being until the Roman calendar. The book is obviously a fraud. Also, it is full of astrology. Finally, anyone who believes the 106th chapter is seriously deficient in the ability of discriminating the truth since it is more ridiculous than some of the passages in the epic of Gilgamesh.
  • dlward
    Dear Mr. Blank After reading your comments i am hard pressed to believe that you listened to the sermon. I did not say that Satan was led away never to return. I said the Azazel goat was led away not to return. I also said that one time the Azazel goat did return. So from that point on they led the goat away and pushed him over the cliff to his death. I clearly read Revelation 20:1-4,, mentioned briefly Satan being loosed for a season----leading a rebellion then he was taken and cast into the bottomless pit, Revelation 20:10---which I clearly read. With regard to the book of Enoch---I said it was an apocryphal book. But at one time was a part of the cannon. You further state that "someone assumed that Peter and Jude were quoting a book when they mentioned something Enoch said and made up a book called Enoch." No, Mr. Blank, Jude did not make it up when he quoted Enoch regarding the Lord coming with his saints. (That does not mean that I believe the book of Enoch should be in the cannon. That is still a matter of debate among some.) According to Genesis 5:22, Enoch walked with God for three hundred years. I hope others will listen to the sermon to verify.
  • Karen Z
    Galileo was prosecuted for heresy in 1633 for insisting that the earth revolved around the sun, but he was not burned at the stake. He was sentenced to house arrest and died of apparently natural causes in 1642 at the age of 77. You were also talking about William Tyndale. He WAS burned at the stake in 1536 for translating the Bible into English.
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