United Church of God

Hallelujah: Praise the Lord

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Praise the Lord

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Hallelujah: Praise the Lord

MP3 Audio (8.6 MB)

During this time of year, it is difficult to avoid the sheer volume of Christmas songs on the radio. They're everywhere - at the stores that we frequent, they're sprinkled into the Top 40 selections on the radio, and of course - in the lobby of the doctor or dentists office. Interestingly, one of the most popular songs of this time of year, the Hallelujah Chorus from Handel's Messiah was originally written for the spring of the year, but has been held against its will and forced to play during the opposite season in celebration of Christmas. Hallelujah is a Hebrew term that means, "Praise God" or "Praise the Lord". When we take a look at praising God, giving him thanks for his characteristics and attributes - what does it entail? How do we praise God? There are 7 Hebrew words that are translated as praise in the Old Testament, each with their own nuances. Let's examine this concept of Praise by asking, Who, What, When, Where, Why and finally How.