United Church of God

Processing the Harvest

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Processing the Harvest

MP3 Audio (30.86 MB)


Processing the Harvest

MP3 Audio (30.86 MB)

Prior to the Feast of Tabernacles there are a lot of preparations which takes place. People work on getting the necessary supplies for the Feast, taking care of work that needs to be done while they are gone, getting the car ready to make the trip - prior to the Feast, we are BUSY! During the time of the Bible, God's people were also incredibly busy for the months leading up to the Feast as well, gathering in the crops and processing the harvest in order to be able to take it with them to the Feast of Tabernacles to eat before their God. While this was certainly a physical reality for many in those times - for us, spiritually what does this harvest look like today? What have we sown over the past season, how have we nurtured and watered it, and how have we harvested and processed it in order to take it before our God to keep the Feast of Tabernacles this year?