United Church of God

Relationship of Judgement, Righteousness, Mercy and Passover

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Relationship of Judgement, Righteousness, Mercy and Passover

MP3 Audio (48.77 MB)


Relationship of Judgement, Righteousness, Mercy and Passover

MP3 Audio (48.77 MB)

As we prepare for the upcoming spring Holy Days, learn the relationship between judgement, righteousness, mercy and the Passover.


  • Bruno Gebarski
    God’s Word reveals that judgment, mercy & faith stem from God’s immutable spiritual Law. One of Christ main missions will be soon to judge all nations with righteousness based on the ‘spiritual law of gravity’ or God’s Law or law of Liberty as described by James. God’s Word is the foundation of all knowledge & is to be equated to life & uprightness: two intrinsic co-essential traits of God’s & Christ’s Holy Character: both personifying & reflecting justice, mercy & faith. After taking both Gentiles & Jews to task, Paul concludes “All have sinned [Gentiles & Jews] & come short of the Glory of Christ.” Today, like in Noah’s time, evil prevails as never before: truth fails & those striving to depart from evil make themselves a prey. After repentance, acceptance of Christ’s Sacrifice, through faith & overcoming, God expects us to consider the heavier matters of His Law: judgment mercy & faith. Dr. Wards speaks about God’s mercy glorying over judgment since the penalty of our sin is taken away from us; but Dr. Ward soberly warns: “Law keeping with not, in its itself, justifies us, but failure to repent & to obey the Law of God will keep us from being justified on the other hand.”
  • lourensharverd66
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