United Church of God

Spiritual Viruses: the Viral Life Cycle

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Spiritual Viruses: The Viral Life Cycle

MP3 Audio (23.87 MB)


Spiritual Viruses: the Viral Life Cycle

MP3 Audio (23.87 MB)

Spiritual viruses surround and attack us from every direction. How we respond to them, let them into our lives, and live with their effects has great meaning for our lives. - The spiritual virus will attach to our lives, it will target us. The spiritual virus will the enter our life and release its message, allowing is viral DNA to be read. This viral DNA will use our own cells to copy itself, to build new viral proteins, to assemble these viral proteins into new spiritual viral messages. These new viruses will the replicated continuously and overwhelm our cells until that cell bursts and releases these new viruses out into attack nearby cells, organs, and then the whole body. It will change the body, it could and often does kill the body – unless our defenses are ready, unless we recognize these spiritual viral messages. - What spiritual viral messages are you fighting today, what are you allowing in your life, what messages are you replicating?