United Church of God

The Burial of Jesus

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The Burial of Jesus

MP3 Audio (19.78 MB)


The Burial of Jesus

MP3 Audio (19.78 MB)

Some scholars today claim that the "empty tomb" is legend and that Jesus Christ was never given a proper burial after his crucifixion. Scripture tells us this was clearly not the case upon careful examination of the burial practices of ancient Israel and practices during Roman occupation. Christ was in the tomb three days and three nights like the prophet Jonah who was three days and three nights in the belly of a fish. Joseph of Arimathea was given the body of Christ which he had anointed with about one hundred pounds of spices, signifying His importance. We are to live sober, righteous and godly lives in this present evil age looking for the blessed hope and appearing of our Lord Jesus Christ who gave his life for us.