United Church of God

The Curve of Forgetting

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The Curve of Forgetting

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The Curve of Forgetting

MP3 Audio (5.82 MB)

In 1885, Hermann Ebbinghaus published a groundbreaking work on human memory. He concluded through a series of experiments that human memory is lost exponentially to transcience, with the most memory loss in the first couple of hours after learning new material. However, if not refreshed in spaced intervals - eventually that knowledge would be effectively lost forever. It's not just individuals that forget, corporations and institutions can have a degree of institutional amnesia as well. In the Churches of God, we face a time of transition. Newer men are stepping into the Pastoral Ministry, and we run the risk of institutional amnesia through attrition, death, and a lack of discussion of certain topics. For our youth, many of whom have only ever known the United Church of God, if it hasn't been talked about in 22 years - they haven't heard it. One of the consequences of this is a loss of certain understandings that at one point were clearly understood. If it isn't discussed, if it's not repeated in spaced intervals - it slips from the institutional memory. One of these topics is the celebration of New Years. Over the past several years - many young people have posted pictures on social media illustrating their New Year's celebrations. What does God think about New Years? Does he want His people to get involved in celebrating this ancient holiday? Let's take a look at what history and the bible say about New Years and conclude what we as Christians should do in today's day and age.