United Church of God

The Feast of Trumpets Marks the Beginning of the Rest of Your Life!

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The Feast of Trumpets Marks the Beginning of the Rest of Your Life!

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The Feast of Trumpets Marks the Beginning of the Rest of Your Life!

MP3 Audio (10.82 MB)

God’s word tells you that you can be begotten of the Holy Spirit… so you might be born of the God kind, like your Father in every way… children in His family. AND all those wonderful promises have begun already for those have believed, been baptized and received the Holy Spirit… BUT we also know that the fullness of life in God’s family is yet to come… resurrection to a new body composed of spirit… possessing eternal life within yourself… position of responsibility and more!


The Feast of Trumpets marks the beginning of the rest of your life!

God’s word tells you that you can be begotten of the Holy Spirit… so you might be born of the God kind, like your Father in every way… children in His family. AND all those wonderful promises have begun already for those have believed, been baptized and received the Holy Spirit… BUT we also know that the fullness of life in God’s family is yet to come… resurrection to a new body composed of spirit… possessing eternal life within yourself… position of responsibility and more!

These next important steps in your life begin on the day we call Feast of Trumpets!

What is God’s Family Like?

Romans 3:30 – there is one God

Yet the scriptures show instances where God acts and speaks as an “US”… “Let us make man in our image, in our likeness”… “The man has now become like one of us, knowing good and evil. He must not be allowed to reach out his hand and take also from the tree of life and eat, and live forever.”

That’s because God is a family… a point which is revealed to us in the writings of the apostles John 1:1-3,14,18 – Jesus came to reveal the Father, greater understanding about the God family.

The word is the one who acts or represents on behalf of the family. This Word, also known as Jesus Christ,  is also referred to as God.

  • God is the name of the Father
  • God is the name of the Son (Jesus the firstborn)
  • God is the name of His children Eph 3:14-15
Comment on Trinity and Why Its Such a Big Deal

The teaching of the Trinity (which is false) is a big deal (and one we argue against constantly) because it confuses and undermines the BIBLICAL teaching about the family of God.

The trinity heresy introduces a supposed third party into the mix of what we call God. This third party is supposedly the Holy Spirit. Its not described in family type terms…  The Holy Spirit is not a son, a twin, an uncle, a grandson… its more often described in terms befitting a thing, a force, a power, that is poured out, bestowed upon, received etc… which is what it is…. the power of God projected into the world. The trinity error presents you with the Father, the Son, and this big gray blurry thing… WHAT? Whereas, the scriptures present you with a clear picture of the Father, the Son and his younger brothers/sisters.

The trinity further undermines the structure and authority of God’s family by claiming that the Father, the Son, and the big grey blurry thing are co-equal. This contradicts the bible truth that the Father is the supreme authority, Christ submits himself to the Father, and the children are under the authority of their elder brother, the pre-eminent and firstborn Jesus Christ. I Cor 15:23-28

The Unity of The God Family

John 17:20-23 Jesus prayed that the children of God might be ONE just as He and the Father were/are ONE. They are united in purpose, attitude, approach… we might call it “of one mind”. (Comment on new age and oriental religious concepts) However, the biblical teaching is not that we are to be absorbed into a singularity with God… that we all dissolve and mix into a big grey blurry thing… BUT that we all take our designated place within the family as distinct and separate entities, with our own unique qualities, and each with our own unique reward. Yet we will be one.

That day when we enter into the fullness of sonship… fully mature, with full rights and privileges, heir and coheir with Christ is already marked on the calendar… on the Feast of Trumpets.

The Process
  1. The process began the day you were convicted that there was a right way and a wrong way, repented of your sins and were baptized with Christ in death so you could raise with Him in life… we marked that day together on Passover.
  2. You entered into a process of growing and maturing into the fullness of God through a lifetime of experience, obedience, overcoming, trials, suffering and good works. We marked that process together during Unleavened Bread.
  3. You were begotten again through the power of the Holy Spirit through the laying on of hands. We marked that day together on Pentecost.

Leading to this awesome day… The Feast of Trumpets!

  • I Cor 15: 51-58
  • II Cor 4:16-18

The world of the future begins on the Feast of Trumpets when Jesus returns as king of kings to bring the rule of God to the physical realm starting with planet earth… and later to extend out into the entire universe.

If Jesus is King of Kings… who are the other kings?
  • Rev 3:21
  • Dan 7:13-14, 27 comment on the picture of Jesus and the Father together/both devine

Why all the suffering and trials between now and then?

Luke 19:11-27 what you are going to be doing as your part in the Family of God… the Family that rules ALL THINGS… is based on what you do with the life you now have.

We Must Change

The Family of God is not about authority or position… it’s a whole new level of existence (wedding day, birth of a child, promotion at work all in one etc.).  It’s a level of existence that has perfect loving character. Yup, the earth and later the entire universe will be ruled by the glorious children of God who are perfected in love and outgoing concern for others… Where the one who rules bears themselves like the one who serves Luke 22:25-26.

God is love and likewise His children… John 15:12-13

How do you lay down your life?

What is life if not time… and so one practical way you can lay down your life for one another is to give of your time. To fellowship together, share food & talk, invite others into your home, visit, pray for one another etc.

There are more details about what is to come in the future of the universe… so much more to discuss. But that’s the message of the next 3 Holy Days.