United Church of God

The Path of Peace

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The Path Of Peace

MP3 Audio (39.71 MB)


The Path of Peace

MP3 Audio (39.71 MB)

Speaker: James Malizia Date: 12/19/20 Location: Orinda In this message Entitled “The Path Of Peace” presented December 19, 2020 Mr. James J Malizia looks into how scripture guides us related to peace prompted by the specific phrase in Luke 1:79 about our being led in “the path of peace”. Pls. Note: Addt’l msgs given in the SF Bay Area congregation may be searched by date, presenter name &/or title at https://www.ucg.org/sermons/all?group=San%20Francisco%20Bay%20Area,%20CA


  • Derrik de Moei
    Thank you James for the wonderful sermon. I think it is very relevant to the current times though every age has had its own trials and tribulations, as the Day of the Lord draws near, each and every day. This message becomes ever more important to us. Ever since I dedicated myself to God and after having read the sermon on the mount I've wanted to be a peacemaker. But the way of peace that the world professes is so different from the way of peace that God teaches from His Word the Bible. Thank you for going through all those verses, clearly laying out before us the way to peace. This sermon has given a whole new meaning, to me at least, to the words 'Shalom' meaning perfect peace and 'Peace and Grace be unto you from God the Father and our Lord Jesus Christ' which we find at the start of a great many books of the Bible. As this peace, and this grace is based on Gods way of live, which we acquire by keeping His commandments and statutes and the Kingdom of God which we all wholeheartedly seek for consists of Righteousness, Peace and Joy in the holy spirit - Romand 14:17-19 Thank you for sharing Gods Word and His message of peace. Kind regards, Derrik
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