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  • by United Church of God
God doesn't want blind faith. He wants you to have faith based on solid evidence. "Test [prove] all things; hold fast what is good," He tells us (1 Thessalonians 5:21). You can prove the divine origin, authenticity and accuracy of the Bible.
  • by United Church of God
We can greatly improve the quality of our prayers and Bible study when we think carefully—or meditate—about what God says to us through His Word and what we say to Him in prayer. How can we use the tool of meditation? 
  • by United Church of God
God has given us His revelation of what we need to know but could not learn on our own. He has given us a handbook for life—the Bible. How can we best use this wonderful tool for spiritual growth He has provided for us?
  • by United Church of God
The Bible is unified by profound themes running through it. Although it contains a number of major themes, here are three of the most important.
  • by United Church of God
The Bible reveals and discusses important tools we can use to grow spiritually and build our relationship with God the Father and Jesus Christ. We first examine the crucial tool of prayer—a key to communication with our Creator.
  • by United Church of God
Although we quote many biblical references for your convenience, this is intended as a Bible study course. To receive the full benefit of each lesson, you must actively participate.
  • by United Church of God
The Bible is the book about relationships. It emphasizes the most important relationship any human being can have with God Himself! It shows how reconciliation with God leads to a right restoration of our relationships with other human beings.
  • by United Church of God
Many writers authored the Bible and the perceptive reader gradually becomes aware of one great mind at work permeating its pages from Genesis to Revelation.
  • by United Church of God
In this Bible study lesson we will walk through some of the most intriguing and inspiring portions of the Bible, seeking to discover the real purpose for our being.
  • by Randy Stiver
The King James Version, or Authorized Version, of the Bible was completed in 1611. Even if you have a more modern English version, it owes a great deal to this groundbreaking translation.
  • by United Church of God
We live in an age of constant crisis! The Middle East threatens to explode at almost any time.
  • by United Church of God
For many millions, God's Word is unexplored and uncharted territory. Yet the Bible is not only designed to help humans beings cope in a world caught up in all kinds of crisis.