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Eternal Life

  • by John Ross Schroeder
Bible prophecy is not just about gloomy future happenings belonging to this present evil age. It also encompasses Christ's coming millennial rule on earth and the Kingdom of God. This article focuses on our futuristic dwelling place in that glorious Kingdom to come.
  • by United Church of God
Even enjoyment is something we need to learn.
  • by Ken Allen
“Love, love, love / Love is all you need.” So goes a line from a popular song. But what kind of love do we need, and how should we show it?
  • by United Church of God
Here in the United States we live in what the world considers a land of opportunity.
  • by Don Hooser
In the previous seven articles of this series we have explained essential tools for spiritual transformation—prayer, Bible study, meditation, fasting, repentance, baptism and the Church. Now we consider how to use all these tools to attain our ultimate destiny of eternal life!
  • by Paul Suckling
For almost two centuries arguments between two 'faiths'—one in evolution, the other in creation—have raged. Both raise questions, but neither has resolved them to the other's satisfaction. Simply put, the dividing issue is, did we evolve through natural selection and survival of the fittest or were we created by a superior being?
  • by Terry Hoffman
In the weeks just before the 2005 graduation ceremonies at Arizona State University (ASU), I had the opportunity to revisit my alma mater and recalled with fondness my own graduation that had occurred just one short year ago.
  • by Hector Earle
Most of us have read or heard “The Lord’s Prayer” recited, but have we ever tried to understand the great meaning contained within it?
  • by Ashley O'Brien
A young woman travels to England and meets a man who helps her to understand that knowing God and living His way of life is the only way to attain the precious gift of eternal life.
  • by Jerold Aust
Our faithfulness now is a necessary step in bringing the fulfillment of God's plan to the billions yet to be saved.
  • by Larry Walker
Man has made great strides in technology and medicine, raising the hope that human immortality may be just around the corner. How have these advances come about, and what do they mean for you?
  • by John Rutis
If you were as rich as billionaire Howard Hughes, you would enjoy great freedom. Wouldn't you?