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  • by Good News
Those who do the channeling claim they are receiving information or commands from a divine or unknown source. In effect, they say, they are like a radio receiving a signal from a transmitter. But who is speaking through the channeler?
  • by Mario Seiglie
Strange practices and religions such as Wicca, Santeria, voodoo and channeling are growing in popularity. What's behind them? Are such things harmless, or is there more to them than meets the eye?
  • by Gary Petty
Viewing the suffering around the globe caused by evil leaders is discouraging. Some countries are run by outright drug lords. Others are ruled by leaders who abuse their own people. Saddam Hussein has become a poster boy of the evil tyrant in the 21st century just as Hitler and Stalin were in the 20th. Why would a good God create such evil people?
  • by Gary Petty
The Bible tells us humans are made in the image of God. Why, then, are they capable of so much evil? And what is the solution?
  • by Bill Bradford
In the wake of the New York and Washington, D.C., suicide bombings, we need to find a plain answer to this great question.
  • by Howard Davis
Shooting a PBS TV special in South Africa gives a unique perspective on the challenges and potential of this surprising country.
  • by David Treybig
In the wake of the tragedy at Columbine High School, people naturally try to determine who is to blame in an effort to prevent future tragedies. After all, something went dreadfully wrong. At stake in the raging debate over culpability is the timeless question of individual freedoms vs. societal protection—concepts that divide entire nations.
  • by Scott Ashley
"I live in Denver, and I would love to kill almost all of its residents. You all better hide in your houses because I'm coming for everyone and I will shoot to kill and I will kill everything."—Internet message attributed to Eric Harris
  • by Good News
In the Star Wars series, some of the movies' heroes draw on a supernatural power called The Force, which enables them to perform feats that would normally be impossible. Did you know that a similar power really exists?
  • by Scott Ashley
Discover a surprising truth that will affect your future.
  • by Scott Ashley
the senseless massacre at Columbine High School is an unnerving reminder of the unease we feel deep inside, the unexpressed fear for our personal safety and security and that of our loved ones. We want life to be predictable and safe. We don't want to fall victim to crime, social unrest, terrorism or that greatest of tragedies, war.