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Family of God

"For this reason I bow my knees to the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, from whom the whole family in heaven and earth is named..." (Ephesians 3:14-15).

The family of God. It's probably the most misunderstood concept in all of Christianity—and the reason you're here. Who makes up the family of God and how can you be a part of it? Find out below.

  • by Darris McNeely

The message on Beyond Today comes straight from the Bible. It can set your...

  • by Darris McNeely

The man in the alley screamed, "I am not an animal, I am a man!"...

  • by Steve Myers

Here's a section of scripture that identifies what God's plan is all...

  • by Bill Bradford
Where did Jesus Christ come from? Who was He? This is a mystery that far too few really understand. Do you? It does matter - your future and your salvation depend on it!
  • by Gary Petty

It's the great mystery of life. Who is God? How can you know about Him? How...

  • by Jerold Aust
Do you know the ultimate purpose for the family? When you know that purpose, it can transform your family's relationships!
  • by Steve Myers

Who tells you who you are? You have an identity. Here's where.

  • by Peter Eddington
Having attended several weddings already this year, I was reminded of what marriage between a man and a woman pictures—it’s a vision of Christ and the Church.
  • by Steve Myers

The royal baby is heir to the throne. You have a brighter future.

  • by Mario Seiglie
It's difficult for us to comprehend the concept of "before time began," much less what took place then. But Scripture reveals that God laid out His amazing purpose and plan for mankind before time began!
  • by John LaBissoniere
What motivates you? Does the opportunity for adventure excite you? If so, coming soon is an adventure you won't want to miss. It will pale into insignificance every past exploit or achievement and will completely surpass anything you have ever imagined!
  • by John LaBissoniere
While many people treasure photographs of family events and celebrations, there is one "family picture" God would like you to esteem more than any other. This marvelous image has everything to do with the astonishing future that awaits you.
  • by Darris McNeely, Steve Myers

Is it possible your religion has misled you about God? Consider the Trinity...

  • by Steve Myers

Getting our family together for my parents anniversary reminded me of God...