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King David

  • by Joe Bellefeuille, Larry Walker, Skip Miller
The Bible is a precious resource, a great gift from our loving Creator. How can we get more out of it? In this section you'll find a potpourri of material on this subject.
  • by Alan Dean
On Australian television recently, an anguished father who had lost his son who had mysteriously fallen from a bridge, told the interviewer that his son was his hero.
  • by Jerold Aust
David possessed a boldness uncommon, but its source is available to us, too!
  • by Good News
The real truth is that we are now approaching a transition period between two ages, our age and the one Jesus Christ called "the age to come" (Matthew 12:32).
  • by Mario Seiglie
In spite of the account of David's life and exploits recorded in the Bible, some critics doubt that King David actually existed.
  • by Dan Taylor
As Israel celebrates Jerusalem 3000, it is clear that political complexities have tied a Gordian knot the like of which only divine intervention can sever.