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God's Will

  • by Steve Myers

What should we do when we are faced with different choices in our lives?...

  • by Robert H Berendt
Our Creator put something strong into each one of us: the human will.
  • by Steve Myers

Learning to wait on God is often the key to avoiding difficult situations....

  • by Robert H Berendt
Submitting to God’s will is not easy for us, but it can be done.
  • by Whitney Creech
A too rigid structure doesn't leave much room for God's intervention or guidance.
  • by Vertical Thought
Do we boast of our plans as though the future were entirely within our control? Or, more dangerously, do we simply delete God from the planning board of our life?
  • by David Treybig
Living as God desires is the highest calling to which we can aspire! Let's "submit to God" (James 4:7). Honor Him, and He will honor you (1 Samuel 2:30).
  • by Robert Nettles
Our lives can be an up-and-down adventure; but just as we make the time for checkups and maintenance on our automobiles, we must also take the time to assess and maintain our prayer lives.
  • by Lorelei Nettles
There is a country song by Martina McBride called “Anyway.” It is about not being afraid to go forward even if things don’t always turn out as we think they should. Sometimes the strength to go on comes from the human spirit. Sometimes it takes more.
  • by Roger Foster
God will begin to fully implement His solutions by sending His Son Jesus Christ back to earth to correct every human problem we now face.
  • by Hector Earle
Most of us have read or heard “The Lord’s Prayer” recited, but have we ever tried to understand the great meaning contained within it?
  • by Good News
Many leaders are imploring us to pray for God's help. Indeed we should. But let's be realistic enough to realize that God will hear us only if we are willing to hear Him.
  • by Scott Ashley
In our struggle to avoid and overcome sin, it is vital that we understand exactly what it is. Let's see how the Bible defines sin.