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Keeping the Feast of Tabernacles at Home

Helpful articles for those unable to travel for the Feast of Tabernacles due to illness, infirmity or other extenuating circumstances.

  • by Jay Ledbetter
Prophecy tells us in the future that everyone “shall go up from year to year to worship the King, the Lord of hosts, and keep the Feast of Tabernacles” (Zechariah 14:16). But what if you find yourself unable to attend?
  • by Darris McNeely

What do we do as we pray, "Thy kingdom come" and as we wait for that time...

  • by Darris McNeely

God wants us to understand what is happening in today's world and to reflect...

  • by Darris McNeely

"Your kingdom come..." What does that mean? Why should we pray that? Why did...

  • by Tina Cason
…but just when I feel like I can’t breathe, I take time to sing!
  • by Heather D
Here are some ideas to get you started on preparing to have a joyous Feast of Tabernacles.
  • by Dan Preston
What if we are unable to go to any of these far away places due to health, financial problems or some other reason? What do we do then? The answer is simple: We keep the Feast!
  • by Craig Scott
What could a person do to focus their mind and spirit on the meaning of the Feast of Tabernacles if they are stuck at home?
  • by Andy Diemer
God will one day establish His Kingdom on earth. In the meantime, He is calling His people to picture that time during His Feast of Tabernacles.
  • by United Church of God
"And in the days of these kings the God of heaven will set up a kingdom which shall never be destroyed ... You saw that the stone was cut out of the mountain without hands, and that it broke in pieces the iron, the bronze, the clay, the silver, and the gold ... The dream is certain, and its interpretation is sure." —Daniel 2:44-45
  • by Tom Nichol
Circumstances cause some not to be able to attend the Feast of Tabernacles. Here are some tips if you are one of those people this year.
  • by United Church of God
Satan's world, built on a foundation of lies and deception, will come crashing down, replaced by the Kingdom of truth and light.