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  • by Susan Herrmann
Is it OK for a Christian to be cool? This question is made difficult by the fact that the term cool has come to be used as a synonym for many positive concepts such as good, confident, beautiful, perfect, ingenious, stylish or fine.
  • by United Church of God
Pride puffs us up. That is a vital lesson of leavening that we are all familiar with. We talk about people having a big head, thinking they are big stuff. Vanity and arrogance truly are dangerous to our spiritual health. They can lead us to cut ourselves off from God, leading to spiritual death!
  • by Gary Petty
He was a successful businessman and a war hero. But then something went terribly wrong.
  • by Roger Foster
All of us have to deal with sin and its tragic consequences in our lives. Understanding why we sin is a first step in overcoming and avoiding sin.
  • by Jerold Aust
Your Bible tells of a future worldwide conflagration that will affect every living human. This warning remains emblazoned on the walls of prophecy!