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Profiles of Faith

The Bible is a record of people who faced challenges and difficulties. Even though they lived long ago, their stories are preserved as timeless examples and lessons for us today. Read about these faithful men and women from the Bible.

  • by Jerold Aust
You can be like Noah. You can set a right example, too. You also can participate in a great work that is, like Noah, properly and appropriately warning this decaying world of its evil ways and urging it to turn to God in real repentance.
  • by Jerold Aust
Isaiah was a hopeful, faithful and loving prophet of God. Much of his message is relevant for our time. If we will heed his admonitions, repent of our ungodly ways and turn to God, then the promises he recorded for the entire world in the future can be yours and mine today.
  • by Jerold Aust
If a common harlot of Canaan could become an uncommon saint of faith and courage and receive the privilege of motherhood in the line of Jesus Christ, then surely nothing is impossible with God. Rahab's amazing story is a lesson for us all.
  • by Jerold Aust
Much of the Bible is about Jesus Christ. Only a small portion of the New Testament discusses His parents - Joseph and Mary Yet the details about their lives help enhance our understanding of these two honored parents.
  • by Jerold Aust
Ezra the priest was a faithful servant of God who helped fulfill God's promises to the remnant of Judah in Babylon in the 400s B.C. His calling was not self-appointed, nor could anyone on his own fulfill the kind of responsibilities to which he was called.
  • by Jerold Aust
God's mercy is always available to people in a repentant attitude, who acknowledge their inadequacies and strive to honor and serve Him. Hezekiah's life proves this is true.
  • by Jerold Aust
Elijah's name demands attention. It means, in essence, "That One, and no other, is the only true God!" Without knowledge and conviction of the one true God, people follow the world's evil ways and reap its curses.
  • by Jerold Aust
Many in the mainstream Christian world have not learned this vital lesson from the life of King Jeroboam. The practices he set in motion—substituting his own days, methods and kinds of worship for those God commanded—have continued down to this day.