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Proofs of the Bible

"Write, for these words are true and faithful" (Revelation 21:5).

Interested in seeing why the Bible is a book you can depend on? Then look no further—this page is for you.

  • by Mario Seiglie, Scott Ashley, Tom Robinson
After 35 long years of searching (from 1972 to 2007), Israeli archaeologist Ehud Netzer thinks he has finally found his long-sought prize—the tomb of Herod the Great. If true, it sheds more light on this important biblical figure.
  • by Larry Greider
Only a fool says in his heart that there is no God (Psalm 14:1). Yet man seems determined to try to live apart from God. This is like holding your breath to prove you don't need air.
  • by Mike Bennett
Many today question the accuracy of the Bible, but consider a few facts and quotes about this amazing book.
  • by Vertical Thought
The Bible claims to be true and inspired by God (see John 17:17; 2 Timothy 3:16) and millions of people through history have embraced that claim.
  • by Mario Seiglie
How a squid developed its complex ability to capture and use tiny luminous bacteria exactly on the right part of its body, create a lens for it and even regulate the light is something scientists cannot explain.
  • by Tom Robinson
The British Museum has just announced the remarkable discovery of a biblically significant cuneiform inscription within its vast collection of Mesopotamian tablets. Many are hailing it as sensational proof of the accuracy of the Old Testament—as indeed it is.
  • by Amanda Stiver
Richard Steiner, a professor of Semitic languages at Yeshiva University in New York, has deciphered an ancient inscription found in a chamber under a pyramid south of Cairo.
  • by John Ross Schroeder
A number of the world's mainstream religions have come to accept Darwinian evolution as the explanation for our existence. But does Darwinism really square with the Scriptures?
  • by John Ross Schroeder
The Da Vinci Code and similar works have portrayed the formation of the New Testament as "history's greatest cover-up." Is it part of a conspiracy to deceive humanity, or is it the divinely inspired, true and accurate picture of what Jesus and His apostles said and did in the first century?
  • by Good News
During His ministry Jesus Christ promised, "Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will by no means pass away" (Mark 13:31). Did He keep this promise in spite of the time interval between His spoken words and when they were actually recorded in writing?
  • by Don Hooser
The Da Vinci Code has sold more than 40 million copies and has been made into a major movie. But how much of the story is fact and how much is fabrication? And how important is it for you to know?