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"The Sabbath was made for man, and not man for the Sabbath" (Mark 2:27).

Given to mankind by God on the last day of the creation week, this oft-disputed day plays a key role in the plan of God. Find out what it is, when it should be kept and what you stand to gain from it.

  • by Robin Webber
The weekly seventh-day Sabbath directs us to Christ and our future with Him and the Father. Meeting with Them in this holy time is a vital part of being Christ’s disciple.
  • by United Church of God
To most people, a church is a building where people meet. But in Scripture, the word refers to a group of people—those called to follow Jesus Christ. It's important that we understand the spiritual heritage of these people special to God.
  • by Emma Kennebeck
If He came back tomorrow, would He recognize you as someone doing what He would do?
  • by Don Hooser
The Fourth Commandment, Parts 1 and 2, focus on how to observe and celebrate the Sabbath. Part 1 is in the previous issue of United News. The Fourth Commandment is stated in Exodus 20:8-11, which is directly quoting God, and Deuteronomy 5:8-12, where Moses is reviewing the Ten Commandments for the Israelites. By comparing the slightly different wording, a fuller understanding of the commandment...
  • by Gayle Hoefker
I walked into the house, and something smelled so mmm, mmm good! Mom was cooking dinner. It wasn’t just any dinner. It was Sabbath dinner.
  • by Darris McNeely

If you found a neglected truth in the Bible and read it for what it says,...

  • by Emma Cortelyou
The Sabbath marks the end of the week and of a busy schedule. It is a time for me to get together with my friends and brethren in the Church and learn more about God.