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Temple Mount

  • by Scott Ashley
We’re used to seeing headlines about bloody clashes between Arabs and Israelis over the Temple Mount. But another battle, involving old arguments, is reemerging—being waged over history and archaeology as it relates to where the Jerusalem temples actually existed. What are the facts?
  • by Scott Ashley
Against all odds, Israel manages to not just survive but to thrive. It’s an astounding story and one that, amazingly enough, was indicated ages ago in Bible prophecy.
  • by Darris McNeely
U.S. President Barack Obama recently called on Israel to return to its pre-1967 borders as the basis for a solution to its conflict with the Palestinians. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu countered that this is a non-starter. Why is this so critical, and does Israel really matter in the scope of things?
  • by Darris McNeely
The late King Hussein of Jordan once said that Jerusalem was so holy to so many, therefore no human power could hold it together. It should be subject only to the sovereignty of God.