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Time Magazine

  • by Don Hooser
The religious world has been abuzz with talk - mainly critical - about a book by evangelical preacher Rob Bell. Bell's claims about the fate of the unfaithful have many Christians furious at the idea that there is no ever-burning hell. Apart from human opinion, the Bible has the real answers about hell. Read on to find out more.
  • by Mike Bennett
God designed marriage to be between a man and a woman. He designed it to be a stable foundation for raising a family! And a stable foundation for society!
  • by Sherrie A Giddens
"I feel so lost, I can't even think any more. Please, you have to help us." Susan was nearly in tears as she left this message on my phone.
  • by Larry Walker
God placed Adam and Eve in the garden "to work it and take care of it " (Genesis 2:15, NIV). This obviously sets a sound precedent. Every generation of mankind should care for and manage properly our global environment.
  • by John Ross Schroeder
Michael Elliott of Time magazine asked some of the right questions: "What is it about the Middle East that makes the conflicts so intractable, such that one summer's guns ineluctably conjure up so many early spasms of violence? Why the hate and where's the healing?" (July 24, 2006).
  • by Gerald Seelig
Are modern Christians following Christ or traditions that are merely the commandments of men? If Jesus were walking the dusty roads of Galilee today and teaching from the same Scriptures He used 2,000 years ago, would modern Christians follow Him or would He have to walk alone? The question remains: Have modern Christians forgotten Christ?