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Are you feeling overwhelmed with various trials in your life?

  • by Nathan Albright
Sitting in a doctor’s office a few days after my 25th birthday, I waited to find out what was wrong with my feet after my first gout attack. Instead, I found out that I was being diagnosed with major depression as well as Generalized Anxiety Disorder, instantly tripling in one fell swoop the number of mental illnesses I was struggling with.
  • by Victor Kubik
“Forward!” That’s what we call this column. Its purpose is to keep us moving onward in our life’s journey as well as in doing the mission of the Church.
  • by Darris McNeely

There are many restraints that Satan uses to tangle us in unfulfilled lives...

  • by Mary Jackson
I spent many years feeling sorry for myself blaming other people for my problems because I perceived myself as a victim. I hurt my family and live with the consequences to this day. How could God still work with the mess that I was?
  • by R. J'Non Whitlark
Psalm 103 and the lessons we can learn about maintaining the spiritual fruit of joy during the difficult, painful trials of life.
  • by Steve Myers

When you need healing do you remember the big picture?

  • by Darris McNeely
When you lose hope, how do you manage to regain confidence and purpose in life?
  • by Janet Treadway
Christians are God’s own children whom He in His love has chosen. Just like any loving parent, God won’t forsake us when we make mistakes or fail to live up to His standards, as long as we will still repent and seek to please Him.
  • by Kelly Thurley
Do we give 100 percent in our everyday lives and relationships?
  • by Janet Treadway
God will help us overcome the trials in our lives, no matter how difficult the climb.