United Church of God

Renew Your Membership

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When Cindy turned 40, her sister gave her a special gift, a membership to a health club. She did want to get her body back in shape, after all. She had tried working out at home in her living room watching workout videos, but it was too easy to get distracted or put it off. Cindy knew that she needed the help and encouragement of the staff and other members to keep her on track. At first Cindy was gung ho, went three times a week, lost 10 pounds and even started cycling with some of the friends she made. When the gym changed management, two of her friends got a better deal at another gym, and a third bought a Bowflex. Cindy didn't feel as motivated to go anymore. She would show up once or twice a month just to appease her conscience. But she didn't go out of her way to get involved, take classes or meet more people. The weight started creeping back on. Even though she often felt better after her workout, she usually didn't feel like making the extra effort. Life got busy and excuses came easy. How many of us have signed up to be members in God's Church only to lose interest after a while? We need to be involved and active in our membership like a member of a gym needs to be: • Just because you're a member of a gym doesn't mean you'll become fit and lose weight. You have to actually go and exercise. • You can't just show up and watch other people work out and expect any results. • It takes active participation and sometimes effort. The Church is essentially our spiritual health club. We are all members of the Body of Christ, fitly joined together. When a hand goes missing, the whole body feels its loss. The missing member loses out because she doesn't fulfill her potential or fulfill her role as an inspiration and example to others. As I've watched several Cindys slowly let their memberships expire, it occurs to me that the hole they each left behind was never filled. I've experienced phantom pain from the loss ever since. We are all needed by our brothers and sisters in the Body of Christ. If we're not available to help each other, we're not fulfilling our roles as members. If we don't relate our tests, trials, blessings and miracles, we're not building the bonds that hold the body together. So, let's renew our membership!