United Church of God

AL LeCou Comments

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AL LeCou



Contact AL LeCou

  • jclassboat
    To apply this to what is ongoing today do we stand up to evil authority that is subversive to God's scripture like Churchill did to Hitler or do we go along with it to just get along? Do we forgo Church attendance and wear masks and limit fellowship because a corrupt and Satanic government expects us to obey? Do we obey God or do we obey Satan's servants?
  • jclassboat

    If we agree that Yeshua's ministry started with his Baptism by John and ended with the Baptism of his disciples, with the Holy Spirit, his ministry was exactly 70 weeks or 490 days. The widely held notion of a 3 1/2 year ministry was a fabrication of Eusebius, the bishop of Caesarea nearly 3 centuries after the death of the eyewitnesses of Messiah's ministry.
    John 6:4 KJV " And the passover, a feast of the Jews, was nigh" was added by translaters and is not supported by earlier manuscripts.
    Clement of Alexandria, Tertullian, Origin, and Lactantius, early church fathers of the second and third centuries, as well as Filastrius, Gaudentius, Evagrius, Orosius, Ephraem and others all concluded that Yeshua's ministry lasted about one year.