United Church of God

Bill Wilson Comments

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Bill Wilson





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  • william h wilson

    Thank you, Mr. Kubik, for your descriptions of the events at the fort and how moving they were. If only that could have been the headline on the news for the whole country to see rather than the rioting. But people predominately look at evil things and not good things. So sad to have experienced the contrast between those two opposites within the hour of the two events.
    It reminded me of a visit to the Washington's Crossing State Park on the New Jersey side in 2010. I stood and read the plaque that explains the dramatic events that took place during the Revolution when the U.S. troops crossed the Delaware River to attack at Trenton. After reading and pausing for a moment, I felt a great sense of sadness. For all the majestic ideals for which those men fought -- to form a great country -- and they did, here we are years later watching it slip away. What would those men think? That we, as a country founded on Biblical principles, would be rejecting the very God who blessed us. To me, the train derailment just the week before, went together with the events in Baltimore and the disasters in Texas -- how we are heading for a very dramatic train wreck as a nation. It is very sad.