United Church of God

Carl Tremblay Comments

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Carl Tremblay



Contact Carl Tremblay

  • vainquer040505jlt
    Mr. Apartian, this message was earth shattering for those who truly understand the ramifications of what you seem to be presenting. Well, earth shattering for proponents of the traditional ministry/leadership structure and for those content to bury the gift they received from God. However, for some of us, it is an encouraging confirmation that the religious corporation’s conception of “the ministry” is thoroughly misunderstood and unbiblical. As a result, too many converts waste the spiritual gifts they have been given and remain utterly unaware of the ministry they have received and the manner in which to execute it. Consequently, the extent of the service provided by many converts is limited to placing chairs, setting-up for services or maybe singing. That does not reflect how the “ekklesia” functioned while the original apostles were still alive. When will the men who possess authority ever understand that every person who has received God’s spirit IS a minister? When will the corporate gathering ever reflect that reality? When will we ever practice first century ekklesia? After listening to your inspired message, I remain somewhat hopeful even though I will not hold my breath.
  • vainquer040505jlt
    Thank you for an excellent message based on a proper understanding of EPH 4:11-13. I have never heard anyone teach those verses the way you have at any time during my twelve years in the Church of God. Now that it has been addressed, what changes will the church make in order to implement Paul’s exhortation?
  • vainquer040505jlt
    Excellent message! It is true that there are three who come as Elijah; however, the third Elijah is not the church, he is a person. Yes, the church does Elijah-like work but the third Elijah will prepare the way for the Lord’s return and preach God’s judgment upon the world. He will proclaim the world’s sins and preach repentance, he will Identify the beasts and foretell of events to occur before the Lord’s return and be killed in the great city. Thank you for an important message.
  • vainquer040505jlt
    Thank you for responding. I realize making decisions on content must not be easy. It seems that a number of people are drawn to the truth but they rarely remain in the truth for very long. Maybe it's the age we are in. Maybe conditions on the Earth will have to greatly deteriorate before people adopt God's way as a way of life. It seems that the Church of God is having very little impact despite the effort made and the amount of money spent. I'm tempted to conclude that it is currently God's will. I know a time will come, shortly before Christ's return, that many will respond by intrigue or as a result of being called by God. Unfortunately, it currently seems that no matter how bad things get in the world, people either remain mired in their hopelessness or are simply oblivious. Either way, I will continue to pray that God guide your efforts that those being called by Him may find the truth and remain in it. I guess if God uses Beyond Today programs to lead even one person to Him, it is all worth it! Thank you again for taking the time to respond. My prayer is that your team's work may have a Godly impact.
  • vainquer040505jlt
    With all due respect, I do not believe that is the message God wishes to relay to those concerned about this global crisis. The message to the world should be one of repentance. Repentance for those who belong to the world and repentance and spiritual preparedness for those who belong to God. A time of judgment is coming and we must tell the world. It is not the time to preach a return to the way things were before COVID-19. Yes, life continues but we should be telling people that things are never returning to the way they were. The situation will gradually deteriorate until Christ returns. The message should be : REPENT, REPENT and REPENT.
  • vainquer040505jlt
    The new set is beautiful. The new interactive approach with the audience is a great idea. This particular program is very interesting, even for someone who has been baptized for many years. Everyone who participated in this project deserves tremendous credit. It is a success! One suggestion, could you make programs that appeal to people who have been in the church for a while? Could you raise the depth of the teachings in order to address a more bible-literate group? I know you wish to reach those who are being called or have recently been called, but you might significantly increase your audience if once in a while you record a message with spiritual meat. Once again, congratulations to the entire team!