United Church of God

Char Fox Comments

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Char Fox



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  • chargfox

    Starcrash, yes, Babylon has been left uninhabited (unpopulated, unfrequented, desolate, lonely, deserted). That tourist visit, the military set up a temporary base there, that people have tried to rebuild it, it still remains uninhabited. Visitors aren't habitants, they are visitors.

    Throughout Scripture, satyrs are translated as hairy goats (also used to refer to the wicked as sheep are God's people). Notice just before it "neither shall the shepherds make their fold there."

    The Hebrew interlinear translation of verse 22 says "And the wild beasts of the islands in their desolate houses, and dragons palaces;"
    Reading here, it's easy to see...wild beasts in their desolate houses, and (IN) dragons palaces.

    In 689 BC, Babylon's walls, temples and palaces were destroyed. In 604-561 BC, Nebuchadnezzar II reconstructed the imperial grounds, including the Ishtar Gate. Remains of the Ishtar Gate are decorated with images of dragons.

    As for Damascus, both Damascus and Samaria were destroyed by the Assyrians. Isaiah 17 does not say Damascus would be destroyed forever.