United Church of God

Clarice Johnson Comments

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Clarice Johnson



Contact Clarice Johnson

  • clariceblack50

    Reading these articles has enlighten, my heart, spirit, soul. My child hood plays alot of not trusting anyone, not allowing anyone to get close to my heart. Blocking my heart of course feels like you are protecting yourself. When you have been victimized, you tend to few everyone the same as young get older, even if they had no parts of it you have this hate from your childhood, and the first time someone wrongs you trust, it makes it easier to close your heart. Every man, isn't the same but bring your childhood with you it didn't matter. As you get older you how to hate, anyone that reminds you of your childhood. And it happen for a long time. You stop dating and focus on your children, and never allow anyone to get close. After 6_7months, of not dating you try it again but you pray, on it this time and when you feel your prays, had been answered you have to observe things that made you stop dating in the beginning. You think that all is good family, church, praying, yet you look at your marriage and see things that you never asked for It was great at the beginning yet you still notice things, instead of saying something you just brush it off. Violence.I didn't ask for that...

  • clariceblack50
    My first time listening to this Minister, and I enjoyed the Teachings, and will truly listen to him again. When something is suggested at least listen or try before you decide not just by looking at the individual. Great Bible Studies....