United Church of God


Dale Yates Posts

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Dale Yates





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by Dale Yates

When we think of joy we usually think of something that makes us happy or feel good. However, that joy is only temporary and doesn't necessarily fit the meaning of Joy as a fruit of the spirit. That type of joy must come from God as a gift from him to those who possess his Holy Spirit.

by Dale Yates

We know one of the main food sources for the wolf is sheep. God's flock is likened to sheep and a wolf in sheep's clothing is out to devour as many as he can. We're admonished to beware and always be alert because ravenous wolves abound.

by Dale Yates

Each year Americans spend billion's of dollars on cosmetics and cosmetic procedures in an attempt to improve on something related to the way they look or how they compare to someone else. In reality God has designed us and created us for His explicit purpose in mind.

by Dale Yates

What does it mean in 1 Thessalonians 5:19 when Paul says, "Quench not the Spirit." How do we quench the Spirit? Let's take a journey and answer these questions.

by Dale Yates

God's church should be a place of unity and like-mindedness. If we would sum that up in one word, that word would be love. So the question is, are we striving to work together to be in unity with the same mind of our Lord Jesus Christ?

by Dale Yates

Even godly men and women can be tempted and drift away from our calling as God's first fruits. We must put a guard around ourselves so that we don't ruin what God by his grace has built in our lives.