United Church of God


Daniel Deininger Posts

Daniel Deininger

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Daniel Deininger

Pastor, United Church of God





Contact Daniel Deininger

by Daniel Deininger

If we don’t know God and don’t know what He wants, it’s going to be difficult to properly serve Him. Dan Deininger walks us through the steps from not knowing God to knowing Him and being “all in”.

by Daniel Deininger

In the Millennium God's Way will be taught and families will be happy!

by Daniel Deininger

Sermon on Saturday, July 19, 2014 in Kennewick, Washington.   Will Christ return to find you faithful to Him? Avoid these four enemies of faith to make sure He does.

by Daniel Deininger

Seven weeks ago were the Days of Unleavened Bread where we learned about how leavening represents sin. The Feast of Pentecost is tomorrow. This message contrasts being puffed up with knowledge versus being filled with God's Holy Spirit and allowing it to flow through us.

by Daniel Deininger

The wise take action and do something with the truth and knowledge they've been given. This message was given on the Feast of Pentecost